Medical Mission Memories
Empowering Health Care Workers & Educating Surrounding Community
QHSC First Medical Mission to Tanzania during September 2021. We accomplished all planned activities and trainings. See more video recordings at our YouTube Channel DrGabone QHSC . Enjoy!!

Medical mission Story
1) The mission started with training of the healthcare workers at Dodoma Christian Medical Center. The training included Help the baby breathe; Effective Chest Compression; Respiratory Management for Post Operative Care; Gestational Diabetes and Its Impact on Newborn Health. Operating Room Etiquettes, and Newborn Thermoregulation. Then Team QHSC went to Ntyuka Primary School and met 1547 children where dental hygiene and effective hand washing techniques were taught. Backpacks and school supplies, tooth brushes and toothpaste were provided to the children and teachers**.
2) Team QHSC also visited the Kongwa Hospital in Dodoma and provided Postpartum Hemorrhage training to healthcare workers. In addition, the Team QHSC went to visit school children in collaboration with TASAF management and provided dental hygiene and effective handwashing techniques. Backpacks and school supplies were provided to the children and the teachers.
The Team QHSC went to Dar Es Salaam and visited Muhimbili Medical Center NICU units. Fact finding completed and possible future engagement is a possibility. Healthcare workers are eager for education and training on clinical practices**.
3) Team QHSC went to see the Magnet Youth Soccer Association in Dar Es Salaam and met 100 athletes and their parents where pediatric screening was competed, dental hygiene and handwashing techniques were demonstrated and the children provided returned demonstration. Nutrition was reviewed and children participated in identifying correct meal plans for an athlete**.
Meet The Team QHSC
*corporate sponsors*